
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Week 24 and 25 In the Art Room

I am super excited about the new art tables in the art room.  I used a good portion of the profits from the Art to Remember fundraiser to purchase art supply's and 3 new art tables. My plan is to purchase the other 3 next school year. They look super fantastic, they are student friendly, and they make the art room look like an art room (plus the students love them) :) Thanks again to everyone who helped make the Art To Remember Fundraiser so successful.

Kinder students created a City scene collage this week using construction paper and shapes....

Most 1st grade students started their clay project this week, while other classes completed these fun mixed media jellyfish. 

2nd grade students started their clay projects last week. This week their owls air dried  All 2nd graders had the opportunity to go on a "mini field trip" to the "kiln room".  Many of them had no idea what a kiln was, so I showed them. Each student got to take their clay creation and place it into the kiln :) They will be ready to be glazed next week. and then put back in the kiln for another firing.

3rd grade students are learning about Ancient Greece in their homeroom classes, so what better project then to make mosaic art in the art room. Pictures next week...

4th grade students had the opportunity to refresh their 1 point perspective skills by creating these fun words (of their choice)

5th grade students caught up on projects and 1 class started their 3d figures. The 3d figures will be made using plaster and we hope to have them completed soon.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 23 and 23

Week 22 (2 weeks ago) = no art class for the week, thanks to SNOW!!!

Week 23 (Last Week) was a short week and most classes caught up on uncompleted assignments, but Kindergarten students and 4th graders got to create new art.

Kindergarten students focused on circles and ovals this week and made these fun frog pictures with silly tongues.

4th Grade students created underwater sea life pictures. They first painted the background using watercolor paint. Next we made a foam template and used it to print their sea creatures on their paper. Fun and messy!