
Friday, May 9, 2014

News Release

If you haven't seen the the Fauquier County School page today... you are missing out. The Bradley art show made the news!!! Here is the news release and it can also be found on the FCPS1 website....

Thursday, May 8, 2014

1st annual Bradley Art Show

First, let me just say that it has been a month or so since I have updated our class blog! The Past month or so I have been overwhelmed with art show preparations.... but the end results turned out so AWESOME!!!

All the credit goes to all the amazing artist that we have here at Bradley, without their amazing art, we wouldn't of had an art show!! I have to admit, when I decided to do this at the start of the year - I never knew how much work it would be. There were many nights I went home this school year, worrying about ... DO NOT FORGET ANY STUDENTS!!! My worst nightmare was leaving a students art out of the show, but thankfully my worst nightmare did not come true :) Every student at Bradley had a piece of artwork on display and it was incredible! 


Thank you all for your support and all the wonderful emails about the art show... it makes all the planning and organizing well worth it!

Hopefully next week I am back on track and will start posting more student art on our class blog! 23 more school days left, but for now... enjoy a picture from the art show! I love the way the entryway to the show turned out :) More pictures to come soon!