
Art Wish List

Thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement! The art room is always in need of the following:

- Lysol Wipes
- Glass baby food jars (with lids)
- Egg cartons (Styrofoam ones)
- Newspaper
- Disposable plastic table clothes (Any color)
- Black sharpies
- Yarn
- Beads and Buttons
- Feathers
- Dish Sponges (Small square ones)
- White Paper Plates (think and thin)
- Colored Paper Plates (Large and small)
- Glue Sticks (We can never have enough)
- Ziploc Bags (any size)
- Anything fun, glittery, colorful, or artsy!!!

The art room also would love more of the following....
Priority: washable crayola markers (fat/wide markers), colored pencils (any brand), 12x18 black construction paper (Tru-Ray brand), and blue painters tape (skinny and fat). We seem to use these the most :)

Secondary: Watercolor liquid (watercolor paint in liquid form, any brand) much easier to use for K - 2nd grade, art paint scrapers (plastic texture tools), yard sticks (easier to use on are large paper instead of regular rulers), scissors (blunt and point), square art erasers (white or pink),  Tru-Ray colored construction paper (any and all colors and sizes), and yarn (all colors)

Would love to have, but not priority (since I have a few): oil pastels (any brand, mixed colors), chalk pastels (any color or brand), "how to draw" books (students love these and use them when they have a few extra minutes between projects (any theme), coloring books (students love these when they have a few extra minutes between projects), crayons (any brand), origami paper (mixed), and Scrapbook paper (all colors and mixed patterns). 

Thank you!!!

Ms. Lupien (Ms. L)


  1. Love the blog! So excited about the projects you are working on with the kids and the school's hallways have never looked so beautiful!!!

  2. Thank you! The kids are all super excited and have loved all the projects so far! I have so many great project ideas for this year and can't wait to complete them :)

  3. I think the blog is a great idea

  4. Your blog is great! I was trying to see the lesson plan on the water lillies
